PostgreSQL - Backup & Point In Time Recovery
In this post you will learn about how to restore a PostgreSQL database in Point in time. Open source databases are taking over other conventional Database softwares at very high speed. For me personally, I really like the way PostgreSQL is designed and it’s simple architecture. I have tried to write it down every possible steps which will help you to restore your Postgres database. Below Steps will be same, but few commands may vary with any other backup tool. PITR PostgreSQL Allow you to restore database to a specific moment in time PITR. It make use of live database files and WAL files. This method can only backup and restore the whole cluster, for individual database use pg_dump. It can be done when the DB is online. Step 1. If archive logs not enable then enable it, otherwise go to Step3. Create Directory for archive logs mkdir /postgres/postgres12.2/wal_archives Make changes in postgresql.conf Postgresql.conf is present under your data directory, in my case it is in /postgre...